Céline Jégat

PhD in chemistry & National education exam for chemistry education called "Agrégation" laureate (ranked 19th)

I flourish with various projects and motivated people. Capable of adaptibility and reassessment, I can't wait to face new challenges!

PhD work

My PhD project proposes to develop a hybrid material exploiting molecular and plasmonic units, more precisely photochromic molecules and gold nanorods respectively.This new macroscopic device will present specific optical properties :
- enhanced by nanoscale phenomena as interparticle couplings;
- reversibly modulated by light excitation provided by the photochromic molecule.
The use of nanoparticles assemblies is expected to allow a higher modulation rate of the photophysical properties than the modulation observed with isolated nanoparticles.


Dr. Pei Yu
(ICCMO, Orsay, France)
Photochromic compounds synthesis

Pr. Hiroshi Miyasaka
(Osaka University, Japan)
Dr. Michel Sliwa
(LASIRE, Lille, France)
Transient absorption experiments

Dr. Olivier Soppera
(IS2M, Mulhouse, France)
Gold nanorods organization patterns

Dr. Ludovic Douillard
(CEA Saclay, France)
LEEM/PEEM experiments


JSPS Summer Program 2020 fellowship laureate
Best oral presentation prize - FSPS, January 2021
Best oral presentation prize for my intern (Arthur Langlard) - Workshop NanoSynergetics, July 2021


  • President (and co-founder) of the ENS Paris-Saclay PhD students association (ADEPS)

  • President of the young network Ile-de-France section of SCF

  • 2018 - 2021: student representative in the scientific committee of ENS Paris-Saclay

Science popularization

  • Conference about nanomaterials

  • Photoshoot by Didier Goupy for festival of science in Paris-Saclay University

  • Interview on Campus-Channel with ENS Paris-Saclay President to present the school

Gender equality

  • Member of the ENS Paris-Saclay section against sexual and gender-based violence

  • Interview about international women and girls in science day